All posts by: Daniel Wróblewski

Brand new website!

As you probably noticed, AmpTone Lab has a brand new website. We did our best to provide you with all the information about our company and products. Due to the site being much more complex than the previous one, we would like to guide you through all of its capabilites and features to make your visits more enjoyable. We’ve listed some of them below.

– Registration
We’ve introduced the login and registration features to make buying our products easier. In My account section, you can also make changes to your account, such as newsletter subscription. Login/register panel is located in upper right corner of the website.
– Webstore
We’ve created our own webstore to make buying our products more convenient. By purchasing our products directly from us, you are guaranteed the lowest price, fast delivery and you gain the possibility to check the status of your order. Link to the store can be found in Where to buy section.
– Page divided into two columns
AmpTone Lab website is now divided into two columns. In the right column, there is the main content of selected section, while in the left one you can find links related to this section, which may also be interesting to you. It makes the navigation much easier.
– Contact form
Now you can contact us not only using e-mail [email protected] but you can also use the contact form in Contact section.
– Extended gallery
Now in Photo gallery section you can also see our clients’ guitars equipped with XY MIDIpad.
– Downloads
In our new Downloads section you can download desktop wallpapers and all files connected with our products.
– About us
In About us section you can read information about our company.

There are also much more new features of our website. And you can be sure there will be much more exciting news coming from AmpTone Lab soon!

Click here to see our Site map.

Before using our website and webstore, you should read Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.