Merry Christmas!
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for a great 2012, we hope it has been a very good year for you too. There is a little gift for you from Crimson Guitars – a guide on how to use your kaoss guitars. Click here to watch it. You can get our MIDI controllers in our store or at Crimson Guitars shop for instant delivery in the UK!
Kaoss Pad guitar demo
Ben Kerridge fromĀ Just James band has demoed his kaoss guitar. Take a look:
AmpTone Lab devices available in Crimson Guitars shop
We are pleased to inform that Crimson Guitars are now selling our products – XY MIDIpad, XY MIDIpad mini and MIDI Strip. Buying at Crimson Guitars shop is great option for people based in the United Kingdom. Click here to visit Crimson Guitars online shop.
XY MIDIpad mini photo gallery updated
We have added two new guitar pictures to our XY MIDIpad mini photo gallery. To see the pictures, click here and click XY MIDIpad mini to expand the gallery.
How to connect your guitar to Kaoss Pad?
Latest video on Crimson Guitars YouTube channel shows how to properly connect your Kaoss guitar to Korg device.