
AmpTone Lab products

  • MIDI Strip
  • MIDI Strip

    MIDI Strip is a MIDI controller based on resistive strip designed for electric guitars. MIDI Strip can be used to perform fast pitch-shifting, smooth harmonizing and triggering synth sounds.

    MIDI Strip is preconfigured to control Korg Kaoss Pad, DigiTech Whammy and any MIDI synthesizer.

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  • XY MIDIpad
  • XY MIDIpad

    XY MIDIpad is a touch screen MIDI controller mounted in an electric guitar body. It is a versatile tool which enables user to control any MIDI device equipped with a MIDI input.


    • Preconfigured to work with Korg Kaoss Pad, DigiTech Whammy and synthesizers
    • Attractive visual effects during the performance

    Buy XY MIDIpad

    Find out more about XY MIDIpad